Thursday, September 29, 2011

Are You Ready for this?

God loves you "soo much" that He sent His Son,Jesus to die for you... "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish,but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Monday, September 19, 2011

Finding Andre

Lionel Washington didn’t really want everyone to help him to go and find his uncle Andre. He will go to Talia, and he doesn’t want his friends to get in trouble with these kinds of people. But the other kids told Lionel if they don’t hear from Lionel after eleven they will come after him. Lionel jogged out to his bike and rode directly to their home, and he wasn’t aware that Judd following him. He was still certain he would be safe, but if did make him feel better to know that the others cared about him. Lionel walked in and advent straight upstairs to his room. He heard quick footsteps from a back room down stairs. They came across the hardwood floors in the living room, into the dining room and up upstairs. Lionel stepped out and saw Talia, and tells her that she will need to bring Lionel to his uncle Andre. Talia hesitated because when Leroy’s know about it, He might kill her or Andre.
The roadster was a cool car, Lionel thought and had it not been for the disappearance of his family and the danger in w/c he now found himself. He might be impressed in unusual car since he was a small child, but now this was just a way to get Andre. Something to ride in Talia seemed unable to concentrate even on where she was going. All she could say over and over that Leroy will kill her if he knew about this. Lionel tried to change the topic just for Talia not talked about Leroy. And he asked Talia about the disappearance of people, and then she told Lionel that during that time they are on the night party with his uncle. But nobody disappeared that night.

Lionel almost wished he hadn’t started on the subject within minutes. Talia was wiping her eyes with her fingers while still crying to maneuver Leroy’s roadsters to Chicago traffic. Lionel was eager to reconnect with Andre, but he didn’t want Talia crying and driving at the same time. He was relieved when she finally pulled to the side of the street about six blocks south where the police found the body they thought was Andre. Talia was grown in a Christian Family the same way with Lionel, Talia’s Mom warned her about the rapture, but she always ignored it. Lionel told Talia that it’s not too late. He shared about the other three kids, that they have still a chance to come to God. Talia response that it’s too late for her because when Jesus took the Christians away, the Holy Ghost left and nobody can be saved anymore. Lionel was not agree about Talia’s talked about, He recommend to talked with his Pastor, But Talia knew that Pastor Bruce also left behind like them. The Bible talks about a great harvest of souls during the last seven years of the world. Something like a billion and half people will get saved, and there be like 144,000 Jewish evangelists. Even  that was true Lionel, but it’s too late for me, If there really is a second chance, I don’t deserved one I knew it. 

To Lionel it appeared that Talia suddenly realized she was pouring her out to thirteen years old. She quickly wiped her eyes again, turned the rearview mirror so she could check her face and quit crying. Talia led Lionel around the back of a three story brick apartment building in a bad neighborhood. Lionel wondered if Judd and the others were still keeping truck of Him. In a way he hoped they were, but also wondered what three white kids would do protect him in this neighborhood. As they approached the rear entrance, Lionel noticed the light when off in the apartment at the end on the top floor, as they climbed the square staircase, Lionel was quickly enveloped in odors and noise. People were apparently cooking, arguing and fighting, as they reached the third floor, where the lights at the end of the building had gone out, Talia put a finger to his lips and knocked four times at the door. Talia knocked on the door and she said she was together with his nephew Lionel, before the words were out of her mouth, Andre had begun the process of unlocking, unbolting and unchaining the door. He peered out from the dark apartment then grabbed Talia and Lionel and yanked them inside. He shut, locked, bolted and chained the door in the dark. Lionel heard Andre feeling along the wall for a switch, when single, bare bulb came on above them, Lionel was stunned to see his wasted uncle. Andre was a barefoot and wore a pair of old, shiny suits pants and sleeveless T-shirt with food stains down the front. His breath smelled alcohol and his dark eyes were blooded. It was all Lionel could do to keep from gasping and telling his uncle how bad he looked. Lionel assumed Andre knew that and didn’t care. Andre squinted at her and looked as if he were about to burst into tears, but his shoulder sagged and he talked away like a little boy would be ordered about by his mother. Atlas Lionel was relieved that his uncle André was still alive.

The only things Andre had to chance into were had to chance into were brightly colored and way to big look out shorts and a T-shirt that had been left the apartment. Lionel could wonder whose place this was and whose clothes they were. Andre was very glad to see Talia and his nephew, Lionel was frustrated this no Family reunion. This was the Family he had left. Andre talked to Lionel about what happened after you left the crazy message on my answering machine, but the phone rung Andre jumped then stared Talia. Andre answered the phone immediately glared Talia and it was Leroy.

--Guys, I was confused who is Leroy, who’s this man, what was the connection between Andre and Talia, or He is the man behind Andre fake suicide, We must know on the next chapter, we better watch out for it. J

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Early in the morning Judd was awaked by a phone call from Pastor Bruce. He was concerned about Ryan, but Judd said that Ryan was still upset about His parents but other than that he was still happier last night. Pastor Bruce know that but he want to be sure that Ryan decision wasn’t done out of fear. He was afraid something might happen to Him when anyone will cached Lionel’s uncle they might kill him. And Judd said that was the main reason was fear and Pastor told Judd that if he recalls his story that you were a sinner and needed God’s forgiveness.

                I’m  just saying I didn’t hear Him say it, that doesn’t mean his conversion didn’t take but it’s important to our faith and to walk with Christ that we realized what he has saved from true guilt and sin have been washed away. Judd had to think about this, maybe Ryan did have different reasons for making some decision, but not everyone came to Christ for same reasons, and of course they did everybody has the same problem, sins that keeps them from God. And it was by seeing and admitting that Judd made his decision. But he wants also to be with God and his family when he died. And he wanted to avoid hell. Getting forgiven for being a sinner was a huge reason for him to do what he did, but the other stuff, being assured to heaven and staying out of hell they seemed almost important.  

                Bruce concluded by telling Judd that He was merely trying is sure Ryan did not think God was just a heavenly fire insurance salesperson. Staying out of hell as one of the benefits of trusting Him, but going from darkness to light, from death to life, form unforgiving sinner saved by grace that was the very important decision.  On the way t the church Judd couldn’t help prodding Ryan a little, just to see what he was thinking that he has a new member of the Family. Ryan decision to accept God, maybe it is hard for him to grasp because of his age. Judd at that age he already knew it, he simply had not acted on it and didn’t really believe it was all the crucial. 

                Judd asked Ryan what he feel t be a member of a new family, Ryan said that it was great and he’s still hoping that somehow his parents became Christian before they died but it’s too late. But he was still glad that his going to heaven. The four young’s had a debate about it, if you are saved by your good deeds. Vicki told them that her Dad always thought her always said it was the people who don’t see themselves as that bad who are the last ones who realized that they need God. But Ryan said I need God, because I didn’t want to go to Hell. Judd thought Ryan was actually getting it; He would not leave Ryan’s training to Pastor Bruce. Judd knew himself had much to learn He and Lionel were the only two of these four who had been raised in Church and had heard it before but now with new eyes and new understanding they still felt like a baby when it comes o the Bible and stuff about God. He could only assume Lionel felt the same way. It was as if Judd could not get enough of what Bruce had to teach and he could not wait to see what Bruce would talk about that morning. They are on the Church they saw many people and lots of them looked desperate and scared. They found four seats in the balcony; chair where set up on either side of the center might next to the pews. At ten o’clock Pastor Bruce had placed a microphone stand in front of the first pew and spoke from there, holding his Bible and notes. 

                Pastor Bruce started to talked to the crowd He said, I’m not about to tell you how great it is to see you’re here, I know you’re here seeking to know what happened to your children and love ones and I believe I have the answers. Bruce then told the same story he had told the kids, and his voice was the only sound in the place. Many wept as he spoke of his wife and children disappearing right from their beds. He showed the video tape to the congregation.  The senior Pastor had left, and more than hundred people prayed along with the prayer at the end, Bruce encourage them who have interested to begin coming to the New Hope. He added that he know many of you are still be skeptical. You may believe what happened was of God, but you still don’t like to come back and ask question this evening. We will be open to any honest question from you, I want to open the floor to anyone who received Christ this morning and would like to confess it before us. The Bible tells us to do that, to make known our decision and our stand. Judd leaned forward and peered down to the main part of the sanctuary. And after him followed by a tall, dark man, and He is Mr. Rayford Steele, Raymie’s father. He was the pilot of the plane during the Airplane crushed. In addition, he had a testimony about that, the people were disappeared on the plane, and most of the stories were the same as Captain Steele. These people all seemed to have been on the edge of the truth about Christ. Their stories were moving and hardly any left, even when the clock swept past noon and forty or fifty was stepped in the front of the sanctuary. 

                Judd found himself overcome with emotion as he thought of the years that how long he know God but he was ignored it, and how long that he never sings with the congregation while the other believers gave their praise and worship to God. The Four kids has no longer skeptic but they have a lot of question, they are sure that they learned a lot of lesson form Pastor Bruce.  Pastor Bruce told them He would not begin to try to explain God or speak for him but that he was convinced God had given everyone ample of opportunity to be ready for the Rapture. During that time, Captain Steele told everybody, his story and he encourage every people to make a decision. He is right we may not know about what happened tomorrow. Don’t make a decision as important as this are without knowing for sure that you can believe with all your heart. However, once your question has been answered, don’t risk your life and you’re after life by thinking you have all the time in the world that you don’t.

                The next day Vicki was asked to Judd to pick up a copy of USA today a newspaper, they and all interested on what is going on. They are watching and listening television, so many people will back at the house of Vicki was reading the news, Judd and Ryan was watching television and they read about the news. Press and people are stunned this evening to the Romanian President Nicolae Carpathia . They watched the news in CNN, Nicolae Carpathia was a tall and dark man, with six feet tall, broad shoulders and thick chested with a blond hair. Judd was impressed to Carpathia, he spoke earnestly and with passion. He mentioned that he was aware that it had not been a full week gets since the disappearances of millions all over the world, including many who have been. Carpathia spoke in perfect English with only a hind of Romanian accent. Judd had realized how strange it was, than he was watching the News as if this He would have cared nothing for this kind of thing.  The people called him as Saint Nick, and applauded by millions of people. They only thing that they concluded, that one of this day they may faced this man, and they were be ready to meet this person.  The four kids had the courage to faced the Antichrist, because they knew that God is with them.